Ayana Bean | Published & Black Magazine | 25 Top Black Authors of 2021
A: There have been so many and the list continues to grow but one of the top is Jay-Z he built an empire based off of his passion and continues to dominate with his influence in big strategic business moves, Mona Scott a woman who dominates and makes it happen. There are just so many but these 2 are at the top of my list.
What would you say is your greatest win in business?
What’s the best advice you have received in business that you wish to pass on to our readers?
A: The best advice I have received in business is that if you give up you won't be in business. So don't give up.
What has been the most effective marketing initiatives or programs you have used to promote your business?
A: Word of mouth has always been the most effective marketing initiative. The difference now is how word of mouth happens. Today Word of mouth is in the form of social media platforms. Its cheaper to by ads on social media than it is to buy ads for major media outlets. Networking, being consistent and showing up is the most effective you will find.
What have you learned as a business owner and entrepreneur that you can pass on to others seeking this position or just started out in business.
Are there any resources or tools you’d like to share with other small business owners that have helped you run your business? If yes, please describe (and include links if available).
A: The best resources and tools you could use in business are following similar businesses to yours. Not to say this is your competition but look at them as your trainers of what to do and what not do to. Be consistent with learning your business.
Do you have any new projects coming up (or have you just completed a big project ~ reached a milestone, etc.)? If so, please tell us about it.
A: I have a few projects coming up that I can't disclose right now because they aren't complete but in the works. Completing my book A YEAR AND A DAY has been the biggest milestone that I wasn't sure I would even get to. I'm so proud of myself for not giving up on it when there have been so many challenges in getting it done.
We are excited about you stepping into the published author arena, tell us how the experience has been with your soon to be released memoir. Also, Give us the title and where we can purchase.
Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
A: If there is anything I could share with readers it would be to stay ever so diligent with creating the life that makes you feel good. The one that you never want to escape from. Remember that your the author of your own book,. How do you want it to be read? Live your best loving life.
What’s the best way for our readers to connect with you (feel free to include the links to your social networks and website.